[toggle type=”white” title=”Advisor Scholarship” active=””]The Wanda S. Holman Memorial Advisor Scholarship was established in memory of Ms. Holman. This scholarship was established because Ms. Holman believed that all advisors would benefit from attending the national FCCLA leadership conference. This $750 scholarship is designed to offset the cost of attending this meeting.
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[toggle type=”white” title=”Alumni Student Scholarship” active=””]
The Oklahoma Alumni & Associates student scholarship was established to provide financial aid to academically promising FCCLA members who will be pursuing post-secondary education. The Board of Directors has adopted a measure that establishes two (2) scholarship awards. Applications will be categorized based upon whether applicants hold/held a state/national office or not. One award will be made to the officer category, and one award will be given in the non-officer category.
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[toggle type=”white” title=”Chapter Adviser SUMMIT Application” active=””]
The Oklahoma FCCLA alumni board voted to create a scholarship for a chapter adviser wishing to attend the national Chapter Advisers Summit. The scholarship will pay for registration. The summit is sponsored by National FCCLA and takes place in January/February at the site of the National Leadership Conference. Applications are due September 1
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[toggle type=”white” title=”Selmat Scholarship” active=””]
[toggle type=”white” title=”Donna Kates Scholarship” active=””]
The goal of the Donna Kates Scholarship is to provide financial aid to an FCCLA member from the Southeast Region who is attending the National FCCLA Leadership Meeting.
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[toggle type=”white” title=”Past Scholarship Winners” active=””]